Our company, having all prerequisite licenses based on current Greek legislations and also having equipped the internationally recognized standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001, takes over destructions of end product goods which arise from business activities or organizations based on their needs. Such materials can be for instance from seizure, tampered, damaged, imitations and generally useless products which based on legislation should follow up the process of destruction either for amortization or because their marketing must cease.

In particular, we undertake:

  • The pickup, of materials to be destroyed, from your facilities with specially licensed trucks.
  • Their transfer to our facilities.
  • Their immediate and complete destruction, with the use of modern cutting machines, in the presence of your representatives and after a desired appointment.

After the completion of the procedure, a Certificate of destruction is issued, as defined by the legal framework, for any legal use.

Depending on the nature of the materials, after their destruction, are driven for further recycling or for fuel in companies with proper licensing. In each case, special importance is given so that the damaged materials do NOT end up in the landfill, but to manage them environmentally corrected for the maximum possible recycling result.

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