Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and solid recovered fuel (SRF) coupled with Energy from Waste (EfW) is a key method for taking the residual element of both municipal and commercial waste and converting it for further beneficial use as a form of energy.

The whole difficulty of the process is to isolate these elements and prepare the products to optimize their reuse as an energy source.

Our fully-equipped plant in Aspropyrgos  produces alternative secondary fuels such as RDF or SRF for final disposal in energy-intensive industries.

The main advantages of utilizing RDF / SRF in industrial plants are:

1. Saving fossil fuels in industry

2. Alternative waste management option that results in a reduction in CO2 emissions

3. Enhance industry competitivenessUtilization of existing facilities (cement kilns, power plants), which results in lower investment costs for Solid Waste Management RDF-SRF solid alternative fuels


RDF (Refused Derived Fuel) It refers to the high-calorific fraction that is separated during the treatment of municipal and commercial solid waste.The term RDF is general and includes all recovered fuels.


SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel)

Solid fuel derived from non-hazardous waste and used for energy recovery in incineration or co-incineration plants, and meets the classification and specification requirements of EN 15359.






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